FritzS Learning, we provides educational tools to help parents and teachers to do teaching. A fun way for homeschooling. Bring more fun to the classroom. The educational tools cover teaching topics from fine motor skills development, early math skill concepts, language development to social emotional learning.
Colorful world to the child! Learn from playing!

Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skill is the coordination of small muscles in movement with...
Smart Match - Alphabet Learning Lock | 字母開鎖小達人 | 早教英文教具
分類蘑菇頭是一款小手肌練習工具, 幫助小朋友做好揸筆前準備!
2025/2026年準備入讀幼稚園K1班的爸媽注意: 於2022年12月31日或之前出生的小孩,要開始著手準備申請幼稚園幼兒班(K1)喇!以下是申請入讀幼稚園的7大申請流程及注意事項,mark 低重要日期,做個well-prepared嘅家長。
孩子常用左手怎麼辦,要不要糾正?「我個仔兩、三歲就開始成日用左手拎餐具食野、渣筆畫畫,攞玩具玩,但用左手好唔方便,我又唔識點教佢,係咪應該趁佢學寫字前,快D幫佢改番用右手呢?」做了廿幾年幼師的我經常聽到左撇子爸媽的困惱及疑問!適逢8 月13日是「國際左撇子日」,就為大家探討一下吧!